
As Western Sydney residents grapple with climate change, they want political action

Western Sydney is being developed rapidly, increasing its already high vulnerability to climate change. One day in January 2020, Penrith was the hottest place on Earth. Residents who have endured searing heat, bushfires, heavy rain, floods and huge damage bills in recent years are now a political force.

Western Sydney multimillion dollar housing boom gathers steam

The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s $855 million Bonnyrigg Renewal Project is moving into its next delivery phase in stages 8 to 11, following the appointment of a development partner to deliver 275 more homes including 65 new social homes for Western Sydney.

Total rubbish! - what's going to happen with your apartment waste bin?

The harsh realities of managing the waste we produce are in the news: councils shunning new glass bins, more plastic being produced per person in the world and Sydney bins overflowing. And the growth in apartment living in Australia threatens to add to these problems. Apartments worldwide have lower recycling rates than standalone houses.

Tiny houses and alternative homes gaining council approval as they wrestle with housing shortages

Australia’s coastal cities and surrounding hinterlands have long been popular with tourists, sea-changers and retirees. But they have a darker side. In the early morning you will often find car parks crowded with cars, vans, caravans and even tents, where refugees from the housing crisis have spent the night.

How safe is the cookware in your kitchen?

Forever chemicals is the common phrase for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a family of man-made chemicals based on carbon-fluorine bonds.

The Lowe road is treading a narrow path between inflation and recession

It’s a tough time for central bankers the world over, but especially for Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe.

Future home havens: Australians likely to stay in and save money

Soaring energy costs are a major factor in Australia’s cost-of-living crisis. The conventional wisdom is people will reduce their energy use in response to rising prices – and this may be the case for the most vulnerable households. However, our research published today suggests rising costs of living are more likely to increase household energy use as people economise by doing more at home.

Newsletter 10/02/2023

Apartments. They're everywhere BUT they're not for everyone

How to spot the warning signs of a leaking shower & balcony before it is too late

If left undetected, a leak in a balcony or bathroom can cause havoc on your home and health, emphasising the importance of early leak detection!